Türmersan was founded in 2017 to produce small arms ammunition components with high-quality standards in Bursa, Turkey. All of our facilities are certified with the NATO Facility Security Certificate.
Our main mission is to become the number one supplier of small arms ammunition in Turkey and its regional area. Through discipline, hard work, and reliability, we have succeeded in becoming one of the leading companies in the industry in a short period.
We have collaborated with almost every company in this industry in Turkey, including the Turkish Armed Forces (Turkish Government). As of today, we export 60% of our production to foreign countries around the globe.
We differentiate ourselves from competitors by emphasizing precision and reliability in every product. Regular inspections are conducted to ensure product consistency. To guarantee quality and customer satisfaction, every step of the process undergoes detailed audits. As a result, we have become the most reliable partner, delivering the highest quality products to our clients. We continuously improve and increase quality through investments and by staying abreast of the latest developments in the sector.
Bakır ve Alaşımları (Copper and Its Alloys)
Hafif Silah Mühimmat Komponenti
Mermi Çekirdeği
Mermi Kovanı
Brass Case
FMJ Mermileri
Pirinç Kasa
TFMJ Mermileri
Kurşun Bileşenleri
Firmaya iletmek istediğiniz taleplerinizi bu formu doldurarak iletebilirsiniz.