Avionics group Pavelsis, which started its avionics studies under the umbrella of Pavo Group in 2008, accelerated its activities as a spin-off in 2019.
Since the first day it entered the sector, Pavelsis has proven its competencies in avionics systems, military electronics and communication systems by producing critical parts for UAVs, UCAVs, helicopters, civil aircraft and many other equipment, which are of great importance in our country's defence industry.
It has been serving the international defence industry with its embedded designs (microprocessor, arm-based processors, FPGA), power, communication and control systems since the first day it was founded. It will continue to provide solutions to all existing and possible needs with its rapidly growing staff and new projects developed every day.
Product Portfolio:
- Communication Interface Unit
- Remote Interface Unit
- Ground Communication Interface Unit
- PMSM / BLDCM Servo Motor Driver
- Linear Servo Actuator Control System
- Cockpit Dimmer Unit
- 1553 Intellectual Property (IP) Core
- 1553 Test System
- Flight Control System
- Multi-Functional Control System
- FLIR Control Panel
- Laser Range Finder Driver
- Interference Blanking Unit
- Up-Front Control Panel
- Rugged Airborne Data Converter
- Rugged Ethernet Switch
- Regulated Power Distribution Unit
- 270 VDC / 28VDC /115 VAC /220VAC Power Distribution Units
- Power Conversion and Distribution Unit/System
- Air Data Computer
- Cockpit Control Panel
- Peripheral Equipment Power Conversion Unit
- Store Remote Interface Unit
- Missile Remote Interface Unit
- Strain Gage Amplifier
Veri & Bilgi Yönetimi Teknolojisi (Data & Information Management Technology)
İnsansız Hava Aracı İç Haberleşme Sistemi
Yer Haberleşme Arayüz Ünitesi
Şimşek Uçuş Kontrol Sistemi
Supersonic İha Uçuş Kontrol Sistemi
Interface Blanking Unit Arayüz Körleme Birimi
MIL-Std-1553b Ipcore Ve Test Sistemi
Flır Kontrol Paneli
Firmaya iletmek istediğiniz taleplerinizi bu formu doldurarak iletebilirsiniz.