Mission: To raise individuals who contribute to the needs of society and national competitiveness by achieving excellence in education, training and research at the international level, and to implement innovative ideas and practices.

Vision:  To be a leading university on a global scale with its human-oriented, scientific, technological and social dimensions.


The goal of Yıldız Technical University is to become a nationally pioneering, internationally competitive university that contributes to the development of the country, plays a role in solving the problems in the world, and has innovative and proactive new generation equipment and competencies suitable for the digital age.

In this context, the quality policy of our University;

  • Providing competitive advantage with a focus on R&D, innovation and entrepreneurship at the international level,
  • Managing change with proactive approaches,
  • Encouraging university, public and industry cooperation and interdisciplinary studies,
  • Having a culture of free, open, questioning and result-oriented research,
  • Adopting an accessible, transparent, fair and accountable management approach,
  • Adhering to the principles of environmental sustainability,
  • Observing ethical values,
  • student-oriented,
  • Encouraging lifelong learning,
  • Caring about social responsibility,
  • Strong communication with alumni,
  • Embracing the corporate heritage,
  • Continuing continuous improvement and development activities

is to reach the goal adopted with an approach.