TUSAS Engine Industries Inc. (TEI) is an incorporated company established in 1985 as a joint venture of Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., General Electric, Turkish Armed Forces Foundation and Turkish Aeronautical Association.
Providing service with more than 2500 employees, TEI achieved a total sales volume of ~ 400 million US Dollars in 2018, with a portion of ~300 million US Dollars yielded from exports operations. Thanks to its exports figures, TEI was ranked 43th in ranking of Top 1000 Exporter Companies of the Turkish Exporters Assembly, and 115th in the Top 500 list of ISO. TEI’s backlog is around 6.2 billion US Dollars.
TEI, which has become an international manufacturer and a global design center today with the high quality products and services, offers to aviation industry, consistently moves forward step by step every day, accomplishing its corporate goals. TEI’s international customers include GE Aviation, MTU, ITP, Rollys Royce, SAFRAN while its domestic customers include the Presidency of Defense Industries, the Ministry of Interiors, Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. and Turkish Airlines.
Akıllı Fabrika Sistemleri (Smart Factory Systems)
Eklemeli İmalat Ekipmanlar, Yazılımlar (Additive Manufacturing Equipment, Software)
Havacılık Dökümleri, Alüminyum (Aerospace Castings, Aluminum)
Havacılık Ekipman Ve Malzemeleri (Aeronautical Equipment and Supplies)
Havacılık Pervane Ve Bıçak Tamir (Aviation Propeller and Blade Repair)
Havacılık Ve/Veya Havacılık Mühendisliği (Aviation and/or Aeronautical Engineering)
İleri İmalat Teknolojileri (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies)
Gaz Türbinleri (Gas Turbines)
Hibrit Güç Sistemleri (Hybrid Power Systems)
Pistonlu ve Dönel İçten Yanmalı Motorlar (Reciprocating and Rotary IC Engines)
Pervane ve Rotorlar (Air Propellors and Rotors)
Talaşlı İmalat (Machining)
Motorlu Araç Motorları Ve Parçaları (Motor Vehicle Engines And Parts)
Test ve Değerlendirme Tesisleri (T&E Facilities (Test and Evaluation Facilities))
Turbo-Süper Şarj, Uçak (Turbo-Superchargers, Aircraft)
Türbinler, Uçak Tipi (Turbines, Aircraft Type)
Uçak Montajları, Alt Montajları ve Parçaları (Aircraft Assemblies, Subassemblies, and Parts)
Uçak Motorları ve Motor Parçaları (Aircraft Engines and Engine Parts)
Uçak Motorları Üzerinde Araştırma ve Geliştirme (Research and Development On Aircraft Engines)
Indigenous Engine Programs
Licensed Engine Programs
Parts and Module Manufacturing
Turbojet Engine
Turboshaft Engine
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