Türksat Uydu Haberleşme Kablo TV ve İşletme A.Ş. (Türksat Company) is one of the world’s leading companies providing all sorts of satellite communications through the satellites of Türksat as well as the other satellites. Providing services for voice, data, internet, TV, and radio broadcasting through the satellites across a wide area extending from Europe to Asia, Türksat is able to provide flexible solutions aimed at customers’ needs in regions where no terrestrial infrastructure is available. Bringing different languages and cultures together by means of its global solutions in satellite communications, Türksat provides cable broadcasting services as well for its domestic subscribers through its existing cable infrastructure. Furthermore, Türksat operates the e-Government Portal within the scope of its information services and conducts projects for the provision of public services electronically.

Görüntü/Desen İşleme Teknolojisi (Image/Pattern Processing Technology)

Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)

Mimariler (Architectures)

Yazılım Doğrulama, Geçerli Kılma ve Akreditasyon Teknikleri (Software Verification, Validation and Accreditation Techniques)

Yazılım Mühendisliği (Software Engineering)

Servis Bulut Platformu, Güvenlik ve Mahremiyet (Service Cloud Platform, Security and Privacy)

Siber Fiziksel Sistemler (Cyber Physical Systems)

Haberleşme Uyduları (Communication Satellites)

Bilgi Yönetim ve Dağıtımını Destekleyen Alt Yapılar (Infrastructure to Support Information Management & Dissemination)

Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri-CBS (Geographic Information System)

Haberleşme Sistemleri – Kızılötesi/Görünür/Morötesi (Communications Systems - IR/Visible/UV)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Mikrodalga Altı Frekanslar (Communications Systems - Below Microwave Frequencies)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Mikro ve Milimetre Dalga (Communications Systems - Micro and Millimetre Wave)

Elektriksel İtki - Dönel ve Lineer (Electrical Propulsion - Rotary & Linear)

Ağ Güvenliği (Network SecurityAğ Güvenliği)

Bulut Bilişim Güvenliği (Cloud Computing Security)

Gömülü Yazılım Güvenliği (Firmware Security)

İnternet Güvenliği (Internet Security)

Nesnelerin İnterneti Güvenliği (Internet of Things (IoT) Security)

Veri Güvenliği (Data Security)

Siber Güvenlik Danışmanlık ve Eğitim (Cybersecurity Consultation and Training)

Antenler (Antennas)

Antenler, Radar veya Haberleşme (Antennas, Radar or Communications)

Antenler, Uydu Çantası (Antennas, Satellite Dish)

Deniz Telsizleri ve Radar Ekipmanları (Marine Radios and Radar Equipment)

Uydu, Haberleşme (Satellites, Communications)

Uzay Uydu Haberleşme Ekipmanları (Space Satellite Communications Equipment)

Satellite Fleet

Satellite Coverage

Video Services

Data Services

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