SASANTEK, whose name is the abbreviation of Defense Industry Technologies, started its activities in Konya by transferring its 20 years of industrial electronics experience to the defense industry. SASANTEK works on electronic systems on military platforms in the field of design and production. There is an R&D center team specialized in localizing electronic units in military platforms. It continues its product diversification on control units, information display and wired / wireless control console, tilt sensor, especially for land vehicles.
Our Mission
To develop research and development-based products with high added value in order to increase the competitiveness of our country.
Our Vision
To develop products at international level, to be a leader in research and development
Yazılım Mühendisliği (Software Engineering)
Eklemeli İmalat Ekipmanlar, Yazılımlar (Additive Manufacturing Equipment, Software)
Robot, Otomasyon, Ekipman, Yazılım ve Yönetim Sistemleri (Robot, Automation, Equipment Software and Management Systems)
Ataletsel/ Yerçekimsel Cihazlar (Inertial/Gravitational Devices)
Cihazlar ve Elektromekanik Yapılar (Devices and electromechanical Structures)
İnsansız Kara, Deniz ve Hava Araçları (Unmanned Land / Sea / Air Vehicles)
Lojistik, Destek ve Gözetleme Kara Araçları (Logistics, Command and Surveillance Land Vehicles)
Lojistik, Destek ve Gözetleme Uçakları (Logistics, Support and Surveillance Aircraft)
Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)
Dönüştürücüler (RS422, RS232, Ethernet, Synchro, 1553, ARINC vs.) (Converters (RS422, RS232, Ethernet, Synchro, 1553, ARINC etc.))
Kumandalar (Controls)
Military Grade Display
Military Controller
Military Control Console
Military Grade Inclinometer
Askeri Platform Kontrolcü
CAN-Usb Dönüştürücü
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