Teknokar has been established in 2004 for serving military defence industries. Teknokar is manufacturing and designing harnesses for military defence and aerospace industries.
Teknokar is the certified suplier of many defence corporations as Aselsan, FNSS, Roketsan and Selex. And also cooperating with Otokar, Nurol, Fotoniks, Forum Engineering and more.
In the steps of interlude and finish controls the manufactured products are being subjected to electrical tests for providing quality standarts. Teknokar has capability of performing any kind of electrical and mechanical test for providing IPC standarts or customer request.
With its under all conditions quality and customer based attitude, Teknokar is investing in human and equipment in the way of being a lead in the industry and targeting to be a corporation that will be looked up both in today and the future.

Anten Teknolojileri (Antenna Technologies)

Elektronik Bileşen Teknolojileri (Electronic Component Technologies)

RF Güç Yükselteçleri ve Cihazları (RF Power Amplifiers & Devices)

RF/Mikrodalga Bileşen Teknolojileri (RF/Microwave Components Technologies)

RF/Mikrodalga Cihaz Teknolojileri (RF/Microwave Device Technologies)

Gelişmiş Güvenilirlik ve İdame Edilebilirlik için Tasarım (Design for Improved Reliability & Maintainability)

Maliyet Mühendisliği (Cost Engineering)

Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)

Yalın Üretim (Lean Manufacturing)

Antenler, Radar veya Haberleşme (Antennas, Radar or Communications)



RF Compenents

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