While SVD System offers the right, sustainable and innovation-oriented technological solutions to our customers; with the mission of continuously developing and improving the possibilities and capabilities of our own resources, partners, suppliers and employees, it aims to be a prominent and preferred company in the market that contributes to the country's economy by providing the highest quality solutions and services suitable for the needs of System and Product projects requiring high technology.

With its long-standing System Engineering experience in the field of Defense, Aviation and Space, expertise in the fields of Satellite and Military Communication, and success in the design of telemetry and communication devices, it is a candidate to be a solution partner for our main contractors.

Dijital Sinyal İşleme Teknolojisi (Digital Signal Processing Technology)

Anten Teknolojileri (Antenna Technologies)

RF/Mikrodalga Bileşen Teknolojileri (RF/Microwave Components Technologies)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Haberleşme (ESM - Communications)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Haberleşme Dışı (ESM - Non-Communications)

Elektronik Karşı Tedbir - Haberleşme Dışı (ECM - Non-Communications)

Elektronik Karşı Tedbir - Haberleşme (ECM - Communications)

Sistemlerin Güvenilirliği ve İdame Edilebilirliği (Reliability and Maintainability of Systems)

Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)

Ağ Yönetim Sistemleri (Network Management Systems)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Mikro ve Milimetre Dalga (Communications Systems - Micro and Millimetre Wave)

Haberleşme ve KBS (Komuta ve Bilgi Sistemleri) Güvenlik Sistemleri (Communications & CIS Security Systems)

Nesnelerin İnterneti (Internet Of Things)

Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)

Tedarik ve Sözleşme Süreçleri (Procurement and Contracting Processes)

Bilgi Altyapısı (Information Infrastructure)

Embedded Software Applications

PCB Board Design and Prototype Manufacturing Works

Control Systems

Power Sources and Energy Conversion Systems

Power Line Communication Systems

Product Development Services

Training and Consulting Services

HF / VHF / UHF Radio Solutions

Wireless Switching Systems Wired / Wireless Identification and Transition Solutions

Intercom, Alarm Announcement Systems

Wide Area (Satellite, Internet, Intranet) Image Transfer, Conversion and Presenter Solutions

Security Camera Systems

Generators, UPSs, Fire Extinguishing Systems, Alarm/Announcement and Other Auxiliary Systems

Only our member companies can benefit.

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