The company maintain primary and subcontracting activities for the design and production o for the electronic system projects required by the Turkish Armed Forces and our  security units. As a defence industry local firm developing local products and abilities in certain vertical expertise fields based on Research and Development within the frame of the importance placed by the state in the defence industry and the policies aimingat enabling the share of the domestic industry to increase; SDT A.Ş. has provided various defence electronic and software products since its establishment in 2005 and brought them into use. SDT has provided many local/original software/ hardware systems, the Research & Development phases of which have been completed and started

RF Algılayıcılar/Pasif (RF Sensors/ Passive)

Dijital Sinyal İşleme Teknolojisi (Digital Signal Processing Technology)

Görüntü/Desen İşleme Teknolojisi (Image/Pattern Processing Technology)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Haberleşme (ESM - Communications)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Haberleşme Dışı (ESM - Non-Communications)

Elektronik Koruyucu Tedbirler - RF (EPM-RF)

Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri-CBS (Geographic Information System)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Mikrodalga Altı Frekanslar (Communications Systems - Below Microwave Frequencies)

Komuta ve Bilgi Sistemleri (KBS) Entegrasyonu (Command & Information Systems Integration)

Radar, Electronic Warfare and Communication Systems

Mission Systems

Simulation Systems and Information Technologies

Production Programmes

Radar Systems

Electronic Warfare Systems

Communication Systems

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumantation

Only our member companies can benefit.

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