SDM Sıradışı Ar-ge ve Mühendislik was established in 2010 in Gebze Teknopark and is an innovative company serving in the fields of research, development and advance engineering of sealing products for industrial turbines. Having a Research & Development office in Teknopark Istanbul after it was opened, our company maintains its intense test studies in the Turbine Technology Center located in Akfırat, Istanbul.

Havacılık Ekipman Ve Malzemeleri (Aeronautical Equipment and Supplies)

Havacılık Ve/Veya Havacılık Mühendisliği (Aviation and/or Aeronautical Engineering)

İleri İmalat Teknolojileri (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies)

Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)

Gaz Türbinleri (Gas Turbines)

Pistonlu ve Dönel İçten Yanmalı Motorlar (Reciprocating and Rotary IC Engines)

Pervane ve Rotorlar (Air Propellors and Rotors)

Roket ve Ramjet Motorları (Rocket Engines and Ramjets)

Akışkanlar Dinamiği Teknikleri (Fluid Dynamics Techniques)

Turbıne & Sealıng Technologıes

Advanced Sımulatıon Technologıes

Internal Combustıon Engınes

Instrumentatıon & Test Systems

Special Bearings & Advanced Sealing Elements

Only our member companies can benefit.

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