RAMSA Defense and Aerospace was established in 2016 to combine and coordinate the projects and activities of high technology companies for the defense industry under a single roof. The establishment purpose of our company is to develop and produce domestic, national, independent and original, high technology products and subsystems for the Turkish Armed Forces and other security forces, in line with the vision of the Presidency of Defense Industries in the defense industry sector. While RAMSA serves the main industry companies on the developing defense industry technology, it also carries out product development on the way to becoming a main industry with continuous innovation and development. It also contributes to the development of the country by exporting its products, which it has produced and served as a sub-industry, to many countries. With the software unit recently established within our own structure, it shows a continuous upward trend in the development and innovation part. With the emphasis on technology in its vision, RAMSA has adopted the goal of "to be a national technology company that maintains its sustainable growth with the values it creates in the global market, is preferred with its competitive power, is trusted as a strategic partner, and is sensitive to the environment and people".
Havacılık Dökümleri, Alüminyum (Aerospace Castings, Aluminum)
İmalat Süreci Simülasyonu (Manufacturing Process Simulation)
Maliyet Mühendisliği (Cost Engineering)
Üretim İmalatı için Teknikler ve Sistemler (Techniques and Systems for Production Manufacturing)
İş Süreçlerinin Simülasyonu (Business Process Simulation)
Tedarik ve Sözleşme Süreçleri (Procurement and Contracting Processes)
3 Eksenli CNC Makine (3 Axis CNC Machine)
4 Eksenli CNC Makine (4 Axis CNC Machine)
5 Eksenli CNC Makine (5 Axis CNC Machine)
Delik Delme Makinesi (Hole Drilling Machine)
Freze (Milling Machine)
Taşlama Makinesi (Grinding machine)
Torna (Lathe)
Exproof Ürünler (Exproof Products)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Eklemeli İmalat (Structural Materials - Additive Manufacturing)
Welded Manufacturing
Cutting Twisting Manufacturing
Assembly Manufacturing
Engineering Services
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