Qubitrium Teknoloji Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi

Qubitrium was founded in 2020 with the aim of developing advanced quantum technologies on the brink of the second quantum revolution. Company offers solutions to problems in the fields of quantum communication and quantum sensing. It provides services to develop and manufacture advanced quantum products, as well as to deliver educational programs in quantum technologies to industrial organizations. One of the key competencies of Qubitrium is the development of CubeSat compatible miniaturized and compact entangled photon sources, single photon detectors, time taggers, and fully automated embedded system designs for platforms requiring fire-and-forget modules. The modules developed are to be used in areas such as quantum sensing, imaging, communication/cryptography, and precision measurements. Single photon detectors and entangled photon sources can be prepared as modules in accordance with the restrictions specific to application platforms, and detection systems using different quantum technologies. Qubitrium partnered in 3 international and 3 national projects, developed 5 product families and their CubeSat compatible versions, since its establishment. Qubitrium is preparing for the launch of a CubeSat with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) payload in 2025.

Qubitrium offers comprehensive training programs that integrate both theoretical and experimental applications. Based on previous experiences, the structure of these programs has been optimized to include theoretical lectures in the morning sessions, followed by hands-on demonstrations and practical experiments in the afternoon sessions. This carefully designed approach allows trainees to engage deeply with the details of various techniques, fostering a lasting understanding of the subjects covered. Furthermore, these programs are adaptable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of participants.

Servis Bulut Platformu, Güvenlik ve Mahremiyet (Service Cloud Platform, Security and Privacy)

Doğrusal Olmayan Optik Malzemeler ve Cihazlar (Non-Linear Optical Materials & Devices)

Optik Bileşenler ve Cihazlar (Optical Components & Devices)

Elektrik/Elektronik Tasarım (Electrical/Electronic Designs)

Veri Güvenliği (Data Security)

Quantum Technologies

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