PRODEMO is an engineering company established in 2020, operating in the fields of R&D and Design.

Since its establishment, in the Automotive and Medical sectors;

. Product development,

. Process development,

. Mold, fixture design,

. Project management,

It has been active in the fields of special-purpose R&D projects. R&D and Engineering With its 20-year-old staff; It has made the Design for Manufacturing philosophy a corporate culture. In this way; In the product concept development phase, by optimizing components such as materials, production, post processes, engineering products with high function, quality and cost performance can be developed.

PRODEMO has strengthened all these activities with the latest technology design and engineering softwares.

Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)

Bilgi Tabanlı Mühendislik (Knowledge-based Engineering)

Maliyet Mühendisliği (Cost Engineering)

Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)

Proses Kontrol Teknolojisi (Process Control Technology)

Üretim İmalatı için Teknikler ve Sistemler (Techniques and Systems for Production Manufacturing)

Araştırma ve Teknoloji Yönetimi (Research & Technology Management)

Genişletilmiş İşletmede Tasarım (Design in the Extended Enterprise)

Gereksinim Tanımlama (Requirements Capture)

Konsept ve Ürün Tanımlanması (Define Concept and Product)

Yapısal Tasarım (Structural Designs)

Plastikler (Platics)


Product Development


Mold&Equipment Development

Only our member companies can benefit.

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