Positrone Test Hizmetleri A.Ş.

Positrone Test Services Inc. We provide testing services for the automotive, defense, aviation, maritime, rail transportation and electronics sectors. Our laboratories have ISO 17025 accreditation and operate in an area exceeding 2500 m² in Turkey and Tunisia, and we take an active role in the testing processes of many OEMs and suppliers around the world.

Our testing capabilities:

1- Environmental Tests

a- High / Low Temperature

b- Temperature Shock

c- Humidity

d- Solar Radiation

2- Vibration / Shock Tests

3- Leak Tightness Tests

a- Dust sealing

b- Water tightness

4- Physical Tests / Surface Tests

a- Pulling / pressing

b- Coup

c- Hardness Measurement

d- Wear Resistance

5- Electrical Tests

6- PCBA Tests

7- Corrosion Tests

8- Liquid Exposure Tests

9- Combustion Behavior Tests

10- VOC / Emission Tests

Test ve Değerlendirme Tesisleri (T&E Facilities (Test and Evaluation Facilities))

Environmental Tests

Vibration / Shock Tests

Leak Tightness Tests

Physical Tests / Surface Tests

Electrical Tests

PCBA Tests

Corrosion Tests

Liquid Exposure Tests

Combustion Behavior Tests

VOC / Emission Tests

Only our member companies can benefit.

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