Since 1997, Öznil Plastik ve Vakum Sanayi has been manufacturing in many sectors such as healthcare, automotive, toy, textile, machinery manufacturing industry. With its experience and knowledge, Öznil Plastik has been established with the principle of excellent service and serves its customers without sacrificing quality. The machinery that increases day by day, our company has become the leader of Turkey’s largest vacuum machine to operate in the field of inserting position. It also provides high quality and error-free production service with its CNC processing machine.

Cihaz Paketleme (Device Packaging)

Yalıtkan ve Dielektrik Malzemeler (Insulating & Dielectric Materials)

Havadan Hafif Hava Araçları (Lighter-than-Air Platforms)

Havacılık Ekipman Ve Malzemeleri (Aeronautical Equipment and Supplies)

İleri Prototipleme (Advanced Prototyping)

Alüminyum ve Alaşımları (Aluminum and Its Alloys)

Bomba Rafları, Uçak (Bomb Racks, Aircraft)

Koltuk İçici Cihazlar, Uçak (Seat Ejector Devices, Aircraft)

Pompalar, Uçak Motoru (Pumps, Aircraft Engine)

Uçak Gövde ve Kanat Takımları ve Parçaları (Aircraft Body and Wing Assemblies and Parts)

Uçak Montajları, Alt Montajları ve Parçaları (Aircraft Assemblies, Subassemblies, and Parts)

Kasalar, Füzeler Ve Füze Bileşenleri: Depolama (Casing, Missiles and Missile Components: Storage)

Plastikler (Platics)

Yapısal Malzemeler - Şekillendirme (Structural Materials - Forming)

Yapısal Malzemelerin İşlenmesi- Birleştirme Teknolojileri (Structural Materials Processing - Joining Technology)

Plastic Chrome Plated

Plastic Forming

Reverse Engineering

Only our member companies can benefit.

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