Our company was established in 2014 in İvedik Organized Industrial Zone in order to design and manufacture cable harnesses needed by the defense industry and the private sector, and to respond to electromechanical assembly needs. We have been continuing our work in Ostim since 2015. In 2021, we are planning to move to our campus, which is under construction in the Aviation and Space Organized Industrial Zone (HAB), with a closed area of 12.000 m2. We continue this path, which we started with 21 personnel in 2015, with 54 personnel in 2021. A total of 54 personnel work, including 6 in the Administrative Department, 10 in the Engineering team, 38 in the Production, Warehouse and Testing departments. We can list our abilities as,

Anten Teknolojileri (Antenna Technologies)

Bağlantı, Kablo ve Kablaj Teknolojileri (Connectors, Cable and Cabling Technologies)

Cihazlar ve Elektromekanik Yapılar (Devices and electromechanical Structures)

Haberleşme Uyduları (Communication Satellites)

İnsansız Kara, Deniz ve Hava Araçları (Unmanned Land / Sea / Air Vehicles)

Güç İletim Ekipmanları, Motorlu Taşıt (Power Transmission Equipment, Motor Vehicle)

Elektrik/Elektronik Tasarım (Electrical/Electronic Designs)

Mekanik Tasarım (Mechanical Designs)

Mekatronik Tasarım (Mechatronic Designs)

Füze Sistemleri-Hava Hedeflerine Karşı (Missile Systems - Anti Air)

Füze Sistemleri - Kara Hedeflerine Karşı (Missile Systems - Anti Ground (Land))

Füze Sistemleri - Su Üstü Hedeflere Karşı (Missile Systems - Anti Surface (Sea))

Antenler (Antennas)

Antenler, Radar veya Haberleşme (Antennas, Radar or Communications)

Uzay Uydu Haberleşme Ekipmanları (Space Satellite Communications Equipment)

Güdümlü Füzeler Ve Uzay Araçları İçin Tahrik Birimleri (Propulsion Units For Guided Missiles and Space)

Analog Cabling

RF Cabling

Only our member companies can benefit.

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