Our Mission
New generation CNC control units, National facilities with their hardware and software, control systems, any of them, cam (computer aided manufacturing) software, robotic systems develop, produce fully meet the needs of both our national defense and civilian industry.
Our Vision
The founding partners of the collaborative working model thanks to a new generation that can compete in the international arena, the technology of the future in accordance with the CNC, Plc and control systems hardware and software and CAM software to produce the country`s national resources to play a leading role in the development of machinery industry in our country, CNC machinery to increase production and allow the country`s economy, high value-added products in the development of the country by providing economically and to be a role model to lead in this area.
İleri İmalat Teknolojileri (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies)
İmalat Süreci Simülasyonu (Manufacturing Process Simulation)
Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)
Üretim İmalatı için Teknikler ve Sistemler (Techniques and Systems for Production Manufacturing)
Araştırma ve Teknoloji Yönetimi (Research & Technology Management)
3 Eksenli CNC Makine (3 Axis CNC Machine)
4 Eksenli CNC Makine (4 Axis CNC Machine)
5 Eksenli CNC Makine (5 Axis CNC Machine)
C Eksen Torna (C Axis Lathe)
Çok Milli Torna Tezgahı (Multi Spindle Lathe)
Torna (Lathe)
Y Eksen Torna (Y Axis Lathe)
Sanal Gerçeklik (Virtual Reality)
CNC Freze Control Set
Industrial Computer
Operator Panel
IO Moduls
Servo Motors and Drivers
Digital Twin
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