Milspec Mühendislik Makine Otomasyon Anonim Şirketi

Our company, established with the support of BIGG program and KOSGEB advanced entrepreneurship in partnership with TUBITAK; provides structural analysis, design improvement, design and consultancy services. Our main goal is to serve especially the domestic defense and automotive industry. It is the solution partner of TRTEST Test and Evaluation Inc. in structural analysis studies. Our processes of developing original products with distinctive features continue. Our company is located within Bilkent CYBERPARK and has ISO 9001 Quality Management System certificate.

Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)

Robot, Otomasyon, Ekipman, Yazılım ve Yönetim Sistemleri (Robot, Automation, Equipment Software and Management Systems)

Cihazlar ve Elektromekanik Yapılar (Devices and electromechanical Structures)

Electromechanical Automatic Tripod

Electromechanical Telescopic Mast

Compact Linear Actuator

Only our member companies can benefit.

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