Founded in 2015 with the participation of Milla Yapı Tasarım, Milla Otomotiv was established with the dream of becoming a preferred company in the sector with its flexible and experienced staff in production with the principle of customer-oriented work in all cycles to be carried out from the concept stage to design and production for the main/sub-industry organizations in the automotive and defense industry. As of 2017, in order to provide better service to its customers, it continues its service with the title of Milla Otomotiv Mold Production Industry and Trade Inc. within the framework of its corporate identity. It was entitled to receive ISO 9001 2015 quality certificate in 2019 and ISO 16949 IATF and EYDEP ES-101-C certificate in 2020. The target for 2024 is to start the AS 9100 certification process.
In order to provide the best service in the automotive and defense industry;
To meet customer expectations with the machine park with up-to-date technology and to provide the best service on time.
To be a sought-after solution partner in the automotive and defense industry.
Tanklar ve Muharip Kara Araçları (Tanks & Armed Vehicles for Land Forces)
Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)
Havacılık Dökümleri, Alüminyum (Aerospace Castings, Aluminum)
Havacılık Ekipman Ve Malzemeleri (Aeronautical Equipment and Supplies)
Havacılık Uzay Dökümleri, Demir Dışı: Alüminyum Hariç (Aerospace Castings, Nonferrous: Except Aluminum)
Havacılık Yatırım Dökümleri, Demirli (Aerospace Investment Castings, Ferrous)
Bilgi Tabanlı Mühendislik (Knowledge-based Engineering)
İleri İmalat Teknolojileri (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies)
İleri Prototipleme (Advanced Prototyping)
İmalat Süreci Simülasyonu (Manufacturing Process Simulation)
Maliyet Mühendisliği (Cost Engineering)
Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)
Proses Kontrol Teknolojisi (Process Control Technology)
Üretim İmalatı için Teknikler ve Sistemler (Techniques and Systems for Production Manufacturing)
Yalın Üretim (Lean Manufacturing)
Araştırma ve Teknoloji Yönetimi (Research & Technology Management)
3 Eksenli CNC Makine (3 Axis CNC Machine)
4 Eksenli CNC Makine (4 Axis CNC Machine)
5 Eksenli CNC Makine (5 Axis CNC Machine)
Borverk Makinesi (Borverk Machine)
Derin Delik Delme Makinesi (Deep Hole Drilling Machine)
Freze (Milling Machine)
Kılavuz Çekme Makinesi (Tapping Machine)
Polisaj Makinesi (Polishing Machine)
Taşlama Makinesi (Grinding machine)
Torna (Lathe)
Alüminyum ve Alaşımları (Aluminum and Its Alloys)
Bakır ve Alaşımları (Copper and Its Alloys)
Bronz (Bronz)
Düşük Alaşımlı Çelik (Low Alloy Steel)
Magnezyum ve Alaşımları (Magnesium and Its Alloys)
Nikel (Nickel)
Paslanmaz Çelik (Stainless Steel)
Pirinç (Brass)
Talaşlı İmalat (Machining)
Titanyum ve Alaşımları (Titanium and Its Alloys)
Yüksek Alaşımlı Çelik (High Alloy Steel)
Mekanik Tasarım (Mechanical Designs)
Mekatronik Tasarım (Mechatronic Designs)
Yük ve Silah/Mühimmat Ayırma/Boşaltma Sistemleri (Stores and Weapons Release/Discharge Systems)
Elde Taşınabilen Silah Sistemleri (Gun Systems - Hand Held)
Füze Sistemleri-Hava Hedeflerine Karşı (Missile Systems - Anti Air)
Roketler, Uzay Ve Askeri, Tam (Rockets, Space and Millitary, Complete)
Polimer ve Polimer Matris Ablatif Kompozit Teknolojileri (Polymer and Polymer Matrix Ablative Composite Technologies)
Polimerler ve Polimer Matris Kompozit Teknolojileri (Polymers and Polymer Matrix Composite Technologies)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Eklemeli İmalat (Structural Materials - Additive Manufacturing)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Şekillendirme (Structural Materials - Forming)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Talaş Kaldırma (Structural Materials - Materials Removal)
Yapısal Malzemelerin İşlenmesi- Birleştirme Teknolojileri (Structural Materials Processing - Joining Technology)
Yapısal Malzemelerin İşlenmesi - Yüzey Koruma Teknolojileri (Structural Materials Processing - Surface Protection Technologies)
Yapısal Mekanik (Structural Mechanics)
Yapısal Metamalzemeler (Structural Metamaterials)
Mold Design
Prototype Molds (Soft Tool)
Plastic Injection Molds
SMC Molds
Control Fixture
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