MEGE TEKNİK was established in 2001 by experienced engineers and technicians with broad experience in the design and production in accordance with military standards and for the Defence Industry. The main field of activity is the 6production and design of harness for the defence and aviation industry platforms. MEGA TEKNİK maintains its operations in such a way that it provides professional service with its trained and experienced engineers, technical personnel and equipment by increasing its business experience with the projects that the company conducts and the works it has completed. MEGE’s quality policy aims at meeting the customer requests and expectations in accordance with the military and if any, special requests. Based on AS EN 9100 and ISO-9001:2008 qualitysystems, its effective quality assurance program constitutes the basis of our applications and is the ultimate factor of our success. MEGE has been anAirbus endorsed supplier since 2011.
Bağlantı, Kablo ve Kablaj Teknolojileri (Connectors, Cable and Cabling Technologies)
Cihaz Paketleme (Device Packaging)
Cihazlar ve Elektromekanik Yapılar (Devices and electromechanical Structures)
Diğer Elektriksel Güç Kaynakları ve Cihazları (Other Electrical Power Sources & Devices)
Eşzamanlı Mühendislik ve Azaltılmış Tasarım Döngüsü (Concurrent Engineering and Reduced Design Cycle)
Maliyet Mühendisliği (Cost Engineering)
Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)
Üretim İmalatı için Teknikler ve Sistemler (Techniques and Systems for Production Manufacturing)
Konsept ve Ürün Tanımlanması (Define Concept and Product)
Akışkanlar Dinamiği Teknikleri (Fluid Dynamics Techniques)
Çevresel Koruma Tasarımı (Environmental Protection Designs)
Elektrik/Elektronik Tasarım (Electrical/Electronic Designs)
Hidrodinamik Tasarım (Hydrodynamic Designs)
Mekanik Tasarım (Mechanical Designs)
Mekatronik Tasarım (Mechatronic Designs)
Uçak Parça ve Ekipmanları (Aircraft Parts and Equipments)
Power Dıstrıbutıon Unıts
Slıp Rıngs
Pan & Tılt Systems
Test Systems
Ac/Dc Converter
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