Since 1999, we have been providing end-to-end value-added products, services and solutions to thousands of our customers, from application development infrastructure platforms to cloud-based integrated business applications, from software licensing to artificial intelligence and robotic process automation, human resources implementation and consultancy.

Our vision: Where do we want to be in the future?

To add sustainable value to our customers in our country and around the world in their digital transformation journeys with our quality products based on advanced and disruptive technologies, our fast installation solutions, our innovative project management approach, our constantly developing talented team and our vertical expertise.

Our Mission: What are we doing today to be where we want to be in the future?

Guided by our values; We must create value-added, sustainable products, platforms and businesses that leave a mark on our company, ourselves, our environment, our country and humanity, and in this way, we must prepare a foundation for those after us to build on.

Our Entrepreneurial Business Model

We have created our unique Entrepreneurial Business Model by combining global best practices in strategy, innovation, law, human resources and finance with our corporate memory and ecosystem, mental capital, competencies, success stories and excellent relationships with our customers dating back to 1999, when we were founded.

Our Entrepreneurial Business Model adds value to our customers in every aspect of digital transformation. This model is based on the principle of making every employee in the Medyasoft family an entrepreneur.

First of all, to work; We start by choosing colleagues who are well-educated, open to development, innovative, committed to business ethics and think positively. How much these friends of ours will improve themselves according to their current situation and how much of the goals we set together will be as important as the competencies they currently have. Our main aim is; To imbue all our colleagues with the innovation culture of the institution and to produce innovative ideas and enable them to realize these ideas.

With our commercial experience, we ensure that new ideas come to fruition. We implement business areas triggered by these ideas that we mature together. Owners of ideas take responsibility as leaders of business units, and these business units are organized into independent silos within the organization; They determine their individual strategies, budgets, business plans and organizations

We evaluate these strategies, direct budgets and business plans, and provide the necessary financial support. Medyasoft's Human Resources, Administrative Affairs, R&D and finance departments also provide central logistics support to these business units. We add Medyasoft's sales and marketing power and existing corporate reputation to these values. Business unit leaders navigate this solidified and experienced base of support. If they realize their budget as planned, the profits they make from this budget become their capital.

When sustainable growth is achieved, these business units first become brands and then become independent companies with independent locations and locations. During this period, our business unit leaders receive and experience a de facto “Head Office” training, in a sense, and learn how to make strategies and budgets, implement the business plan, build and motivate teams, market, commercialize innovative ideas, and the product life cycle. We actually aim to increase the chances of success of our initiatives with this business environment that guides, guides, constantly tests and provides the right support where necessary.

In 2017, we created the first success stories of this entrepreneurial business model. Our cloud company concept "ePlatform", which aims to meet all the information technology needs of an SME from a single cloud platform, ceased to be a business unit and became a separate company in 2018, and has so far provided tens of thousands of products to more than 8000 SMEs and large corporate customers. It increases these numbers day by day with strategic partnerships, improves its product range and continues its way at full speed.

Our "Digital Solutions" business unit, which develops unique products and services and provides user experience in the end-to-end digitalization of large institutions, has completed its branding under the name "Medyasoft Digital". This structure, which has a wide range of customers consisting of leading institutions and organizations, forms the backbone of Medyasoft.

Medyasoft Digital, in cooperation with Medyasoft product teams; It transformed the Unigate CMS infrastructure, which it has used to undertake major projects since its establishment, into a Digital Experience Platform under the name Unigate Platform in 2023. In this way, we not only offer an application development infrastructure and an orchestration tool to companies of all sizes, but also license the Quick Setup applications we have developed on this platform, such as Website, HRM, Intranet, so that they can be put into operation quickly.

Our Business Solutions business unit is one of SAP's leading Gold business partners in Turkey.

Tedarik ve Sözleşme Süreçleri (Procurement and Contracting Processes)

Unigate - Open source supported low code no code web application development and orchestration platform

Vendorside-Procure To Pay supplier management platform ​

e-Company - cloud company platform with e-transformation and e-accounting applications

Only our member companies can benefit.

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