Lider Kalıp is one of the leading companies in the sector that has been manufacturing only High Pressure Casting Molds since 1987. Lider Kalıp, which has manufactured over 1000 molds since its establishment, closely follows technology in every field of mold making from design to simulation, from processing solutions to measurement reports.

We mainly serve the Automotive and White Goods sectors. Çelikel, B/S/H, Arçelik are some of the big companies we work with.

With our experienced staff, modern infrastructure suitable for today's technology and our machine park, we are increasing our production and capacity every day.

We are effectively using our ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, which we certified in December 2004.

Genişletilmiş İşletmede Tasarım (Design in the Extended Enterprise)

İş Süreçlerinin Simülasyonu (Business Process Simulation)

Tedarik ve Sözleşme Süreçleri (Procurement and Contracting Processes)

Talaşlı İmalat (Machining)

Beyanlar, Motorlu Araç Motoru (Connecting Rods, Motor Vehicle Engine)

Diferansiyel Ve Parçaları, Motorlu Taşıt (Differantials And Parts, Motor Vehicle)

Dişli, Motorlu Araç (Gears, Motor Vehicle)

Egzoz Sistemleri Ve Parçaları, Motorlu Araç (Exhaust Systems And Parts, Motor Vehicle)

Motorlu Araç Motorları Ve Parçaları (Motor Vehicle Engines And Parts)

Motorlu Araç Şanzımanları, Tahrik Parçaları (Motor Vehicle Transmissions, Drive Assemblies)

Silindir Kapakları, Motorlu Taşıt (Cylinder Heads, Motor Vehicle)

Yapısal Malzemeler - Şekillendirme (Structural Materials - Forming)

Yapısal Malzemeler - Talaş Kaldırma (Structural Materials - Materials Removal)




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