KZ Mekatronik was established in 2011 with the main objective of being a symbol of reliability, continuity and respectability for our country and our customers. We continue design and production activities in two production facilities in Balıkesir and our R&D office in Ankara. As KZ Mekatronik Family, our aim is to provide products and services in universal quality and standards, to create value for our customers and to respond to the expectations of the sector with quality and stability. It is our main priority to always comply with the law and ethics in all of our relations, as well as to provide support for our customers after sales. Serving today's people and fulfilling our responsibilities to future generations are our indispensable principles. In addition to our Long Range Initiation System UZAK, which is being used by the Turkish Armed Forces and Police, we continue to develop innovative projects and products for the current needs and requirements of the defense industry. With our expert technical team, we are expanding our product range for the defense industry, especially in the design and production of Remote Convenience Systems, Control Consoles and Useful Load Modules.

Hareket Algılayıcı Sistemleri (Motion Sensor Systems)

Görüntü/Desen İşleme Teknolojisi (Image/Pattern Processing Technology)

Yenilikçi Sensörler (Innovative Sensors)

Anten Teknolojileri (Antenna Technologies)

RF Güç Yükselteçleri ve Cihazları (RF Power Amplifiers & Devices)

RF/Mikrodalga Cihaz Teknolojileri (RF/Microwave Device Technologies)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Haberleşme (ESM - Communications)

Elektronik Koruyucu Tedbirler - RF (EPM-RF)

Yönlendirilmiş Enerji Teknolojileri - Diğer (Directed Energy Technologies (DET) - Other)

Yönlendirilmiş Enerji Teknolojileri - RF (Directed Energy Technologies (DET) - RF)

Patlayıcı Tespit Teknikleri (Explosives Detection Techniques)

Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Mikrodalga Altı Frekanslar (Communications Systems - Below Microwave Frequencies)

Komuta ve Bilgi Sistemleri (KBS) Entegrasyonu (Command & Information Systems Integration)

Bilgi Tabanlı Mühendislik (Knowledge-based Engineering)

İleri İmalat Teknolojileri (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies)

İleri Prototipleme (Advanced Prototyping)

Uzaktan Görüntüleme Birimleri (Remote Display Units)

Mayın Tespiti ve Temizliği (Mine Detection and Clearance)

Patlayıcı Madde İmhası (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)

Elektrik/Elektronik Tasarım (Electrical/Electronic Designs)

Mekanik Tasarım (Mechanical Designs)

Mekatronik Tasarım (Mechatronic Designs)

Antenler, Radar veya Haberleşme (Antennas, Radar or Communications)

Kumandalar (Controls)

Fuse Test And Wıred Inıtıatıon System

Payload Modules And Hand Termınal

Long Range Inıtıtatıon System

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