Kuartis Technology, one of Turkey's leading companies in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision and robotic technologies, uses its expert human resources and knowledge in these fields to develop ISTAR systems (large space for fixed terrestrial, aerial platforms, mobile sea and land vehicles). It carries out R&D and P&D studies to make autonomous vehicles (surveillance systems) and manned/unmanned vehicles.

Products developed by Kuartis Technology, in line with customer requirements; By operating system design, system engineering, project management and quality processes, works such as design, selection of hardware components, system development / integration / testing are carried out within our company and delivered to our customers.

Kuartis Technology is one of the leading companies in Turkey in the development of autonomous vehicles (land/sea/air/space/submarine), which allocates significant resources in both civil and defense fields in the international ecosystem.

Bilgi ve Veri Füzyon Teknolojisi (Information & Data Fusion Technology)

Diğer Bilgi İşleme Teknolojisi (Other Information Processing Technology)

Dijital Sinyal İşleme Teknolojisi (Digital Signal Processing Technology)

Görüntü/Desen İşleme Teknolojisi (Image/Pattern Processing Technology)

Konuşma ve Doğal Dil İşleme Teknolojisi (Speech & Natural Language Processing Technology)

Optik Sinyal İşleme Teknolojisi (Optical Signal Processing Technology)

Optimizasyon ve Karar Destek Teknolojisi (Optimisation & Decision Support Technology)

Veri & Bilgi Yönetimi Teknolojisi (Data & Information Management Technology)

Bilgisayar Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Computer Integrated Systems Design)

Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)

Özel Bilgisayar Programlama Hizmetleri (Custom Computer Programming Services)

Yazılım Mühendisliği (Software Engineering)

Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama (High Performance Computing)

Yüksek Bütünlüklü ve Emniyet Kritik Sistemler (High Integrity and Safety Critical Computing)

Akıllı Fabrika Sistemleri (Smart Factory Systems)

Büyük Veri Analitiği (Big Data Analytics)

Endüstriyel Nesnelerin İnterneti Platformu (Industrial Internet of Things (ioT) Platforms)

Modelleme ve Simülasyon Çözümleri (Modelling and Simulation Solutions)

İnsansız Kara, Deniz ve Hava Araçları (Unmanned Land / Sea / Air Vehicles)

Nesnelerin İnterneti (Internet Of Things)

ISTAR (İstihbarat, Gözetleme, Hedef Tespiti ve Keşif) (ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance))

Platform Komuta Kontrol Yazılımları (Platform Command Control Software)

Autonomy Subsystems (Land-Sea-Air-Underwater - Space) for manned and unmanned vehicles

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Labeling, Training, Testing and Development Infrastructures

Navigation Support Systems for Naval Platforms (based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Driving Assistance Systems for Land Platforms (based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Active Protection Systems

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