Founded in 1985, KESTAŞ is the undisputed leader of Turkey in the production of broaching tools. We manufacture all kinds of broaching machines and spare parts based on broaches. The broaching tools we produce are designed according to national and international norms. KESTAŞ, which has renewed itself continuously for more than 30 years from its establishment until the present day, is pleased to share with you the rightful pride of signing another principle in our country with the heat treatment facility it commissioned in 2005. From the foundation of KESTAŞ to the day-to-day, it always breaks grounds. The current and future needs of the industry have always been decisive In our goals. We share with you our investments in this respect. Our goals are not over. On the contrary, the future for the new targets opened even further. We are nervous about the excitement of new investments that we will be happy to share with you as it happens.

Üretim İmalatı için Teknikler ve Sistemler (Techniques and Systems for Production Manufacturing)

Broş Çekme Makinesi (Broaching Machine)

Talaşlı İmalat (Machining)

Beyanlar, Motorlu Araç Motoru (Connecting Rods, Motor Vehicle Engine)

Diferansiyel Ve Parçaları, Motorlu Taşıt (Differantials And Parts, Motor Vehicle)

Dişli, Motorlu Araç (Gears, Motor Vehicle)

Eksantrik Milleri, Motorlu Araç (Camshafts, Motor Vehicle)

Krank Parçaları, Motorlu Araç (Crankshaft Assemblies, Motor Vehicle)

Şanzıman Muhafazaları Veya Parçaları, Motorlu Araç (Transmission Housings or Parts, Motor Vehicle)

Karbinler, 30 Mm. Ve Aşağıda (Carbines, 30 mm. and Below)

Küçük Silahlar (Small Arms)

Makineli Tabancalı Veya Makine Parçaları,30 Mm. Ve Aşağıda (Machine Guns or Machine Gun Parts, 30 mm. and Below)

Makineli Tüfekler Ve El Bombası Atar (Machine Guns and Grenade Launchers)

Tabancalar Veya Tabanca Parçaları, 30 Mm Üzerinde (Guns or Gun Parts, Over 30 mm.)

Tabanca Veya Tabanca Parçaları, 30 Mm. Ve Aşağıda (Pistols or Pistol Parts, 30 mm. and Below)

Top Ve Havuzlar, 30 Mm Üzerinde (Cannons and Howitzers, Over 30 mm.)

Top Veya Top Parçaları, 30 Mm Üzerinde (Artillery or Artillery Parts, Over 30 mm.)

Tüfekler, Tipsiz (Rifles, Recoilless)

Tüfekler Veya Tüfek Parçaları, 30 Mm. Ve Aşağıda (Rifles or Rifle Parts, 30 mm. and Below)

Yuvarlak Veya Parça Parçaları, 30 Mm. Ve Aşağıda (Shotguns or Shotgun Parts 30 mm. and Below)

Türbinler, Uçak Tipi (Turbines, Aircraft Type)

Yapısal Malzemeler - Talaş Kaldırma (Structural Materials - Materials Removal)

Broachıng Tools

Broach Sharpenıng And Repaırıng

Manufacturıng Of Parts

Contract Broachıng

Broachıng Machınery

Laser Markıng

Only our member companies can benefit.

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