Kalibre provides services to its customers as a solution partner with its dynamic and expert staff that constantly renews and develops itself. It offers the training, consultancy, engineering and consultancy services it provides in order to contribute to the corporate development and sustainable growth of its customers in accordance with the legislation and standard conditions.

Our company, which has completed its 15th year with the understanding of "continuity in service", continues to spread its service network all over Turkey, especially in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. Our company, which has acted according to the principles of "efficiency, effectiveness and continuity" in its corporate consultancy and standardization works carried out until today, continues to grow with the customers it has continued to serve since its establishment. Hoping to act together in the corporate development journey of our company, which aims to add new projects to its 15 years of experience, with the belief that "every new project is a new experience"...

Veri & Bilgi Yönetimi Teknolojisi (Data & Information Management Technology)

Güvenli Bilişim Teknikleri (Secure Computing Techniques)

Siber Fiziksel Sistemler (Cyber Physical Systems)

Yalın İşletme Modelleri (Lean Enterprise Models)

Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)

İş Süreçlerinin Simülasyonu (Business Process Simulation)

Yaşam Ömrü Boyunca İyileştirme (Whole-Life Cycle Improvement)



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