IRADETS is a high-tech spin-off company located in Teknopark Istanbul and it is operating in two main activity fields: The Radiation Studies: space radiation environment, space weather simulations, shielding studies for Earth based or space applications, as well as testing the electronic systems or parts against radiation effects. Research and Development of Innovative Radiation Detection Systems: for space, health, environment, homeland security, nuclear plants radiation safety and waste monitoring, seismology, geophysics/geology, high energy, nuclear and particle physics applications. In our business model, in parallel to our main activity which is research and development in cutting-edge technologies, we also are representing in Turkey high-tech companies. IRADETS founders have many years of scientific and technological cooperation with these companies, hence, they are not only valuable commercial partners but in particular are collaborators to afford technological and scientific challenges and to solve them together.
Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)
Radyasyona Dayanıklılık (Radiation Hardening)
Radiation-Matter Interaction Simulation
Irradiation Facilities
Space Radiation Simulation
Particle Acceleration
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