GÜRDESAN was established in 1982 and it is a completely domestic organization
providing high quality service to Turkish Shipbuilding Industry. In our 36th year in the sector,
we continue to work in line with our vision of maintaining the leadership qualities and always
being ahead of our competitors while maintaining the distinction of being the best company in
its field.
GÜRDESAN Ship Machinery Industry; In the Turkish Ship Side Industry, the
design, manufacture, repair and maintenance of 7 different systems are carried out in 42.000
m2 closed and 8.000 m² open area modern facilities without sacrificing quality according to
the wishes and expectations of its customers.
Hatch Covers
Deck Equıpment & Systems
Propulsıon & Rudder
Anchor And Moorıng Wındlasses
Moorıng Wınches, Equıpment
Bulwark Accommodatıon Gangways Ladders
Marıne Propellers & Nozzles For Sale Desıgn Repaır
Free Fall Davıts Launchıng & Retrıeval Systems
Rescue Boat, Lıfe Raft, Provısıon Crane
Combıned Rescue Boat, Lıfe Raft, Hose Handlıng, Provısıon Crane
Hose & Multı-Purpose Cranes
Deck Moorıng Towıng Equıpment
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