Our company was founded in 2023 by Emre KIZILYALIM and Ömer MURATLI. With 15 years of experience, we produce software products for the cyber security ecosystem. Our prominent and critical product is Grizzle ZT-PAM. Grizzle ZT-PAM is a security solution that protects companies' digital assets. It offers privileged accounts, automatic identity verification, and comprehensive security controls. Users do not share their real passwords when accessing systems with Grizzle ZT-PAM, and all transactions are recorded. Security is maximized with Military Level Encryption technology and artificial intelligence-supported security analysis. With artificial intelligence and image processing technologies, we provide an integrated security service by performing risk analysis and anomaly detections of users and systems on the system.
Ağ Güvenliği (Network SecurityAğ Güvenliği)
Bulut Bilişim Güvenliği (Cloud Computing Security)
Donanım Güvenliği (Hardware Security)
Kimlik ve Erişim Yönetimi (Identity and Access Management (IAM))
Veri Güvenliği (Data Security)
Siber Güvenlik Analitiği (Cybersecurity Analytics)
Siber Güvenlik Danışmanlık ve Eğitim (Cybersecurity Consultation and Training)
Siber Güvenlik Olay Yönetimi (Cybersecurity Event Management)
Siber Güvenlik Operasyonları (Cybersecurity Operations)
Grizzle ZT-PAM
GCS Secure Management
Data Protection
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