FY Endüstri Ürünleri San. is founded by Yüksel TÜRK and Fuat ŞAHİN. and Tic. Inc. It was established in 2016 in Mersin Tarsus Organized Industrial Zone. CM Cam Metal A.Ş. was founded by Yüksel TÜRK in 1991. and CMT Trailer Upper Yapı Makina San., founded in 2008. and Tic. Ltd. It is based on Şti.
Today, with its experience spanning a quarter of a century, it continues to grow and produce aluminum and steel superstructure systems for trailer manufacturing companies in its own production facility with a total area of 59,000 m2, including 16,500 m2 closed area and 42,000 m2 open area.
With its trained and experienced staff, it works with the principle of constantly expanding its machinery park with new technology machines and producing products at the desired quality and deadlines by keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level with effective quality control practices at all process stages from raw material entry to the product.
Eşzamanlı Mühendislik ve Azaltılmış Tasarım Döngüsü (Concurrent Engineering and Reduced Design Cycle)
İleri İmalat Teknolojileri (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies)
Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)
Yalın Üretim (Lean Manufacturing)
4 Eksenli CNC Makine (4 Axis CNC Machine)
5 Eksenli CNC Makine (5 Axis CNC Machine)
Delik Delme Makinesi (Hole Drilling Machine)
Freze (Milling Machine)
Kılavuz Çekme Makinesi (Tapping Machine)
Torna (Lathe)
Alüminyum ve Alaşımları (Aluminum and Its Alloys)
Talaşlı İmalat (Machining)
Yüksek Alaşımlı Çelik (High Alloy Steel)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Eklemeli İmalat (Structural Materials - Additive Manufacturing)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Şekillendirme (Structural Materials - Forming)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Talaş Kaldırma (Structural Materials - Materials Removal)
Yapısal Malzemelerin İşlenmesi- Birleştirme Teknolojileri (Structural Materials Processing - Joining Technology)
Yapısal Malzemelerin İşlenmesi - Yüzey Koruma Teknolojileri (Structural Materials Processing - Surface Protection Technologies)
Trailer Superstructure Elements
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