Esetron Mekatronik Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Elektronik Makine Bilgisayar Teknoloji Geliştirme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

ESETRON, a company founded in 2011 for the purpose of developing robotics systems, designs and produces light class unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) and remote control stations for unmanned ground, surface and aerial vehicles and electro-optical devices. Manned to unmanned conversion kits for ground and surface vehicles are also other products located in our product range.

ESETRON is a dynamic company that produces solutions to develop robotic systems. Using technology correctly; we serve in the Defense Industry sector with the vision of developing domestic and unique products.

While designing and developing unique products prioritizing user experience and quality factors on the areas shaping the future like defense industry and autonomous vehicles, ESETRON also aims to fulfil the customers’ expectations and requirements perfectly by applying various manufacturing technologies thanks to its close relations with the industry.

Our main skill set covers Embedded Systems Software Design, Electronic Circuit Board Design and Production, Mechanical Design and Production, IoT Technologies and System Design topics.

Our products are designed, developed and produced by our engineering team consisting of specialist in their fields. ESETRON has an advantageous position on the versatility and development topics with its engineers that has expertise in various disciplinaries.

We support unique and smart solutions to both end-users and defense industry companies.

İnsansız Kara, Deniz ve Hava Araçları (Unmanned Land / Sea / Air Vehicles)

Lojistik, Destek ve Gözetleme Kara Araçları (Logistics, Command and Surveillance Land Vehicles)

Operasyonel Sistemlerdeki Robotik ve Otomatik Sistemler (Robotics and Automated systems in Operational Systems)

Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)

Giyilebilir Teçhizatlar (Wearables)

İleri Prototipleme (Advanced Prototyping)

Komuta Kontrol Sistemleri (Command & Control)

Uzaktan Görüntüleme Birimleri (Remote Display Units)

Elektrik/Elektronik Tasarım (Electrical/Electronic Designs)

Mekanik Tasarım (Mechanical Designs)

Mekatronik Tasarım (Mechatronic Designs)

Optik Tasarımı (Optical Designs)

Unmanned Ground Vehicles

Operator Control Units

Electro-Optical Systems

Dehumanization Kits

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