Electra IC ARGE A.Ş.

Electra IC provides design and verification services in the field of ASIC, FPGA Design and Embedded Systems. The team has the experience of working with global multinational companies. We have been working on consumer, automotive, mobile connectivity and defense projects. We also know DO-254 requirements and helping our customers for the preparation to a DO-254 certification. Electra IC also provides high quality trainings for ASIC/FPGA and Embedded Systems. Some training areas are Xilinx, VHDL, Verilog, UVM, SystemC, UVVM, ARM, Embedded Linux.

Görünür / Ultraviyole Bant Algılayıcılar (Visible/UV Wave Sensors)

Kızılötesi (IR) Algılayıcılar - Aktif, Lazer Kaynakları (IR Sensors - Active, Laser Sources)

Kızılötesi (IR) Algılayıcılar - Pasif, Lazer Kaynakları (IR Sensors - Passive, Laser Sources)

Dijital Sinyal İşleme Teknolojisi (Digital Signal Processing Technology)

Protokol Teknolojisi (Protocol Technology)

Yazılım Doğrulama, Geçerli Kılma ve Akreditasyon Teknikleri (Software Verification, Validation and Accreditation Techniques)

Yazılım Mühendisliği (Software Engineering)

Design IP Cores

Electronic Cards

Embedded Systems

Verification IP Cores

Only our member companies can benefit.

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