EDA Tasarım Analiz Mühendislik ve Bilgisayar Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.

EDA Design, which was established to conduct design development, improvement, optimization and analysis studies in the fields of aviation and mechanical engineering, and to provide training and consultancy services; carries out software development studies, especially within the scope of cooperation established with defense industry institutions and organizations with high national sensitivities or with them, based on the idea that original product development studies with high cost performance and information security and confidentiality protection can be realized thanks to the independent engineering infrastructure.

For this purpose, as a result of the R&D studies carried out continuously since 2003 by the core staff formed by experienced experts and the engineering group consisting of researchers; the company, which has developed the Computer Computational Engineering Design and Analysis Software Package-CAEeda and Ballistic Design and Analysis Software-BALLISTICeda, each of which is the first and only domestic product in its field in the Defense Industry Product Catalog, provides a wide range of services with its engineering knowledge and software infrastructure completely free from foreign commercial products.

Services provided with completely local and in-house capabilities and capabilities:


a. Custom Engineering Software for Requests and Needs
i. Development

New capability development. 
ii. Customization

Software customization in line with requests and requirements. 
iii. Parallelization

Software parallelization for solving complex and large-scale engineering problems. 
iv. Automation

Automating frequently used capabilities and processes. 
v. Integration
Integrating EDA software, primarily CAD, Mesh generation, Pre-Post Process, CFD Analysis, CSD Analysis, into the software infrastructure of user institutions/organizations, and creating independent and unique engineering software infrastructures with local and national resources. 
b. Engineering Software Supply
Each of the software developed by EDA and defined as "Products" can be customized, parallelized, automated and integrated according to user requests and needs. EDA Software, which can be made to work interactively with foreign commercial software, can be sold to the customer with appropriate methods and conditions. 
c. Parallel Computer System Installation
d. Training, Consultancy and Support
Thanks to the software sold or integrated, comprehensive training and support services can be provided with content aimed at creating engineering knowledge for users on a specific subject.

a. Design
i. Development
ii. Improvement
iii.Optimization (topology, shape, size)
b. Analysis
a. Engineering Design Development, Improvement and Optimization
b. Engineering Analyses
c. Ballistic Design and Analyses
i. Fire Control Data (AKV/FCI) and Number of Shot Tables Generation (AAC/TFT)
ii. Fire Tests and Fire Control

The main areas where these services are provided are:

1. HEAVY/LIGHT WEAPON SYSTEMS and SUBSYSTEMS Design Development, Improvement, Optimization and Analysis

a. Howitzer
b. Battle Tank
c. Mortar
d. Fire Control System

2. AMMUNITION Design Development, Improvement, Optimization and Analysis

a. Heavy weapon ammunition
b. Light weapon ammunition
c. Guided/Unguided rocket
d. Guided projectile

3. VEHICLE SUBSYSTEMS Design Development, Improvement, Optimization and Analysis
a. Unmanned Mine Clearing Vehicle
b. UAV
c. Aircraft

4. CREATING FCI and AAC in Accordance with NATO Standards

a. For Howitzer (blind shooting)
b. For Battle Tank (blind shooting)
c. For Sniper (blind shooting)
d. For Mortar (blind shooting)

Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)

Matematiksel Model Geliştirme (Mathematical Modeling Development)

Özel Bilgisayar Programlama Hizmetleri (Custom Computer Programming Services)

Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama (High Performance Computing)

Modelleme ve Simülasyon Çözümleri (Modelling and Simulation Solutions)

Havacılık Ve/Veya Havacılık Mühendisliği (Aviation and/or Aeronautical Engineering)

Aerodinamik Tasarım (Aerodynamic Designs)

Balistik Tasarım (Ballistic Designs)

Mekanik Tasarım (Mechanical Designs)

Yapısal Tasarım (Structural Designs)

Uçak Motorları Üzerinde Araştırma ve Geliştirme (Research and Development On Aircraft Engines)

Güdümlü Füze Ve Uzay Aracı Motorları, Araştırma (Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Engines, Research)

Yapısal Mekanik (Structural Mechanics)

CAEeda - Computer Computational Engineering Design and Analysis Software Package

BALLISTICeda - Ballistic Design and Analysis Software

CADeda - Computer Aided Engineering Design (CAD) Software

MESHeda - MESH Generation Software

FAPeda - Computer Computational Flow Analysis (CFD) Software

SAPeda - Computer Computational Structural Analysis (CSD) Software

PREeda - Pre-Process Software

POSTeda - Post-Process Software

FCIpro - Fire Control Input (FCI) Generation Software

TFTpro - AAC/TFT Generation Software

FCMpro - Fire Control Mission Software

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