BIB has completed its 19th year in R&D and INNOVATION projects based on STATISTICS and INFORMATICS. Many public and private institutions and organizations, especially projects financed by the World Bank, United Nations, European Union, Ministry of Development/DPT, GAP Administration, Development Agencies; He has carried out projects with universities and non-governmental organizations. It continues to develop innovative R&D-based projects that will create added value at the Süleyman Koyuncugil Innovation Center, which includes Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Electronics laboratories, where it carries out its R&D activities. BIB, which has produced solutions in 8 different areas in line with the demands of the market with a focus on customer satisfaction, offers the "FOCUS Video Conference System", which is a 100% Domestic and National Video Conferencing System, to the users, as well as the Focus-Webinar system, which provides unlimited participants and multiple simultaneous opportunities. also added it to its portfolio.

Bilgi ve Veri Füzyon Teknolojisi (Information & Data Fusion Technology)

Diğer Bilgi İşleme Teknolojisi (Other Information Processing Technology)

Görüntü/Desen İşleme Teknolojisi (Image/Pattern Processing Technology)

Konuşma ve Doğal Dil İşleme Teknolojisi (Speech & Natural Language Processing Technology)

Optimizasyon ve Karar Destek Teknolojisi (Optimisation & Decision Support Technology)

Veri & Bilgi Yönetimi Teknolojisi (Data & Information Management Technology)

Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)

Yazılım Mühendisliği (Software Engineering)

Büyük Veri Analitiği (Big Data Analytics)

Optimizasyon, Planlama ve Karar Destek Sistemleri (Optimisation, Planning & Decision Support Systems)

Görüntü Sistemleri Teknolojileri (Display Systems)

Komuta ve Personel Eğitim Sistemleri (Command & Staff Training Systems)

Decision Support Systems

Big Data Systems

Recognition Technologies

Drone Software

IoT Technologies

Management Software

Video Conference System

Educational Software

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