ASELSAN is a company of Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, established in 1975 in order to meet the communication needs of the Turkish Armed Forces by national means. Currently 74,20% of the shares are owned by the Foundation whereas the remaining 25,7% runs in İstanbul Borsa stock market.
ASELSAN is the largest defence electronics company of Turkey whose capability/product portfolio comprises communication and information technologies, radar and electronic warfare, electro-optics, avionics, unmanned systems, land, naval and weapon systems, air defence and missile systems, command and control systems, transportation, security, traffic, automation and medical systems. Today ASELSAN has become an indigenous products exporting company, investing in international markets through various cooperation models with local partners and listed as one of the top 100 defence companies of the World.

Anten Teknolojileri (Antenna Technologies)

Ataletsel/ Yerçekimsel Cihazlar (Inertial/Gravitational Devices)

RF Güç Yükselteçleri ve Cihazları (RF Power Amplifiers & Devices)

RF/Mikrodalga Bileşen Teknolojileri (RF/Microwave Components Technologies)

RF/Mikrodalga Cihaz Teknolojileri (RF/Microwave Device Technologies)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Elektro-Optik (ESM - Electro-Optic)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Haberleşme (ESM - Communications)

Elektronik Destek Tedbirleri - Haberleşme Dışı (ESM - Non-Communications)

Elektronik Karşı Tedbir-Akustik (ECM - Electro Optical)

Elektronik Karşı Tedbir- Elektrik ve Manyetik Alan (ECM - Magnetic and Electrical)

Elektronik Karşı Tedbir - Elektro Optik (ESM - Electro Optical)

Elektronik Karşı Tedbir - Haberleşme (ECM - Communications)

Elektronik Koruyucu Tedbirler-Elektrik ve Manyetik Alan (EPM - Magnetic and Electrical)

Elektronik Koruyucu Tedbirler - RF (EPM-RF)

Yönlendirilmiş Enerji Teknolojileri - RF (Directed Energy Technologies (DET) - RF)

Arama Kurtarma (SAR) Platformları (Search and Rescue (SAR) Platforms)

Denizaltı Platformları (Undersea Platforms)

Diğer Uydular (Other Satellites)

Gözlem ve Konumlama Uydusu (Surveillance and Navigation Satellites)

Haberleşme Uyduları (Communication Satellites)

Havadan Hafif Hava Araçları (Lighter-than-Air Platforms)

Helikopterler (Helicopters)

İnsansız Kara, Deniz ve Hava Araçları (Unmanned Land / Sea / Air Vehicles)

Lojistik, Destek ve Gözetleme Kara Araçları (Logistics, Command and Surveillance Land Vehicles)

Lojistik, Destek ve Gözetleme Uçakları (Logistics, Support and Surveillance Aircraft)

Muharip Uçaklar (Combat Aircraft)

Su Üstü Harp Platformları (Naval Combat Sea Surface Platforms)

Su Üstü Lojistik ve Destek Platformları (Logistic and Support Sea Surface Platforms)

Tanklar ve Muharip Kara Araçları (Tanks & Armed Vehicles for Land Forces)

Uzay Aracı Fırlatma Sistemleri (Space Launchers)

Emniyet Sistemleri (Safety Systems)

Entegre Sistem Test ve Değerlendirme (Integrated System Testing and Evaluation)

Operasyonel Sistemlerdeki Robotik ve Otomatik Sistemler (Robotics and Automated systems in Operational Systems)

Ağ Yönetim Sistemleri (Network Management Systems)

Bilgi Yönetim ve Dağıtımını Destekleyen Alt Yapılar (Infrastructure to Support Information Management & Dissemination)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Akustik (Communications Systems - Acoustic)

Haberleşme Sistemleri – Kızılötesi/Görünür/Morötesi (Communications Systems - IR/Visible/UV)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Mikrodalga Altı Frekanslar (Communications Systems - Below Microwave Frequencies)

Haberleşme Sistemleri - Mikro ve Milimetre Dalga (Communications Systems - Micro and Millimetre Wave)

Haberleşme ve KBS (Komuta ve Bilgi Sistemleri) Güvenlik Sistemleri (Communications & CIS Security Systems)

Hava Trafik Kontrol Sistemleri (Air Traffic Control Systems)

Havacılık Ekipman Ve Malzemeleri (Aeronautical Equipment and Supplies)

Taktik Data Link Yönetim Sistemleri (Tactical Data Link Management Systems)

Ağ Güvenliği (Network SecurityAğ Güvenliği)

Platform Güdüm ve Kontrol Sistemleri Teknolojileri (Platform Guidance and Control Systems)

Seyrüsefer Sistemleri (Navigation Systems)

Uçak Kontrol Sistemleri, Elektronik (Aircraft Control Systems, Electronic)

Antenler, Radar veya Haberleşme (Antennas, Radar or Communications)

Public Safety Communication Systems

Healthcare Sytems

Military Communication Systems

Microwave Products

Space Technologies

Information Technology Systems

Electro Optic Systems

Avionics and Navigation Systems

Naval Systems

Air and Missile Defense Systems

Guidance and Unmanned Systems

Security Systems

Land and Weapon Systems

Radar Systems

Electronic Warfare Systems

Traffic & Automation Systems

Transportation Systems

Energy Systems

Cryptography and Information Security Systems

Command Control Communication Computer Systems

Miniature Bomb

81/120mm Mortar Weapon System

Air Defense Missile System

Pedestal Mounted Stinger System

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot

Stabilized Advanced Remote Weapon Platform

Ground Surveillance Radar

Synthetic Aperture Radar

Counter Mortar Radar

Air Defence Radar

Electronic Attack System

Electro-Optical Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Targeting System

Unmanned Surface Vehicle



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