Our company was founded in 2011 in Ankara, Başkent Organized Industrial Zone.
Design and manufacturing activities was begining in July. The purposes of the enterprise are, produce detail parts of all fixed (airplane), rotary (helicopter) winged platforms (air vehicles) and satellite systems, design and manufacture detail and assembly tools for all these detail parts and systems.
The first aim of our company is, designing and manufacturing assembly and detail tools and detail parts of the aircrafts. Long term purpose of our company is to design and manufacture the aircraft components for the Turkish and worldwide aerospace companies.
Maliyet Mühendisliği (Cost Engineering)
Proje Yönetimi ve Takibi (Project Management and Control)
Üretim İmalatı için Teknikler ve Sistemler (Techniques and Systems for Production Manufacturing)
3 Eksenli CNC Makine (3 Axis CNC Machine)
5 Eksenli CNC Makine (5 Axis CNC Machine)
Freze (Milling Machine)
Y Eksen Torna (Y Axis Lathe)
Talaşlı İmalat (Machining)
Uçak Montajları, Alt Montajları ve Parçaları (Aircraft Assemblies, Subassemblies, and Parts)
Uçak Motorları ve Motor Parçaları (Aircraft Engines and Engine Parts)
Uçak Parça ve Ekipmanları (Aircraft Parts and Equipments)
Yapısal Kullanım Amaçlı Akıllı /Fonksiyonel Malzemeler (Smart/Functional Materials for Structural Uses)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Eklemeli İmalat (Structural Materials - Additive Manufacturing)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Şekillendirme (Structural Materials - Forming)
Yapısal Malzemeler - Talaş Kaldırma (Structural Materials - Materials Removal)
Yapısal Mekanik (Structural Mechanics)
Yapısal Metamalzemeler (Structural Metamaterials)
Detail Part Tooling
Composite Part Tooling
Assembly tooling / Component Jigs
Test / Inspection tools
Ground Support Equipment
Soft & Hard-Metal Prismatic Machining Solutions
Only our member companies can benefit.
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