As Alpera, we develop and manufacture products in three main branches under the working discipline whose main focus is Unmanned and/or Autonomous Systems.

-    Unmanned & Manned systems for military purposes,
-    Solutions to problem sets of civilian needs with innovative approaches to systems and subsystems that aim to produce
-    Open source unmanned systems focused on R&D and Education

The know-how obtained in line with strategic plan, which is fully realized with company's own resources, has given us the ability to design, develop and produce all sub-systems of a multi-purpose scalable systems of today.

Thus, regardless of the scale of the systems needed or defined by clients, it was aimed to have a much more convenient and manageable product development process with the advantage of having a common product development pool and implementation was achieved.

With the development of the infrastructure we call the "Base Platform", significant improvements have been made in the both r&d and manufacturing processes of the unmanned vehicles which has fully electric powertrains and/or hybrid ones.

As a result of this long R&D period, within the scope of vehicle design and manufacturing, command & control, communication, power storage, transmission, propulsion systems and other subsystems had emerged as value-added topics. 

We are proudly keep on moving ahead to be one of the few product-oriented sector companies that realizes their own hardware and software. At the end of year 2024, the number of projects carried out within the scope of project-based development processes considering military/civilian applications reached to nine (9) on the basis of vehicles and exceeded to ten (10) on the basis of products and/or subsystems.

İnsansız Kara, Deniz ve Hava Araçları (Unmanned Land / Sea / Air Vehicles)

Lojistik, Destek ve Gözetleme Kara Araçları (Logistics, Command and Surveillance Land Vehicles)

Tanklar ve Muharip Kara Araçları (Tanks & Armed Vehicles for Land Forces)

Operasyonel Sistemlerdeki Robotik ve Otomatik Sistemler (Robotics and Automated systems in Operational Systems)

Roket ve Ramjet Motorları (Rocket Engines and Ramjets)

Platform Komuta Kontrol Yazılımları (Platform Command Control Software)

Yük ve Silah/Mühimmat Ayırma/Boşaltma Sistemleri (Stores and Weapons Release/Discharge Systems)

Unmanned & Manned systems for military purposes

Only our member companies can benefit.

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