Abramak Bilgi Teknolojileri Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş

ABRAMAK Bilgi Teknolojileri is a 100% Turkish company established in 2015 to develop devices, systems, protocols, integration and technology for use in all kinds of wireless data communication between all elements of tactical and strategic fields.

RF Algılayıcılar/Aktif (RF Sensors/Active)

RF Algılayıcılar/Pasif (RF Sensors/ Passive)

Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)

Bilgi Altyapısı (Information Infrastructure)

Dönüştürücüler (RS422, RS232, Ethernet, Synchro, 1553, ARINC vs.) (Converters (RS422, RS232, Ethernet, Synchro, 1553, ARINC etc.))

Komuta Kontrol Sistemleri (Command & Control)

Komuta Kontrol Mesaj Altyapısı (Command Control Message Infrastructure)

Muharebe Alanının Sayısallaştırılması (Digitization of the battlespace)

Platform Durum İzleme Sistemleri (Platform Condition Monitoring Systems)

Platform Komuta Kontrol Yazılımları (Platform Command Control Software)

Zaman Dağıtım Sistemleri (Time Distribution Systems)

Antenler (Antennas)

Antenler, Radar veya Haberleşme (Antennas, Radar or Communications)

Deniz Telsizleri ve Radar Ekipmanları (Marine Radios and Radar Equipment)

Uydu, Haberleşme (Satellites, Communications)

Integrated Signal System

Multi-Purpose User Station

Based Public Address And General Alarm System

Information Technologies

Transmitter, Receiver and Multiple Radio Systems

Antenna and Antenna Systems

Calling Systems for Ship

WIFCOM: Wireless Communication System

Over-the-Horizon Radio Link System

Only our member companies can benefit.

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