12M Technology, which has been developing technology and software, producing open source solutions and providing consultancy services since 2010, provides value-added services to public and private organisations in many different sectors such as the defence industry, universities, local governments, healthcare and financial institutions. Operating from offices in Turkey and the UK, our company uses its deep knowledge and experience in technology and R&D to produce solutions for the current needs of businesses.
12M Technology has leveraged its success in open source ecosystems and R&D projects to solve the information technology and cyber security problems faced by enterprises, and the Talia product family was developed in this direction. With its products and innovative solutions that comply with information security regulations, strengthen cyber security and facilitate the management and auditing of IT systems with local solutions, 12M Technology aims to be a strong player in both local and global markets.
Bilgisayar Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Computer Integrated Systems Design)
Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)
Güvenli Bilişim Teknikleri (Secure Computing Techniques)
Özel Bilgisayar Programlama Hizmetleri (Custom Computer Programming Services)
Şifreleme / Kripto Teknolojileri (Encryption / Crypto Technologies)
Yazılım Doğrulama, Geçerli Kılma ve Akreditasyon Teknikleri (Software Verification, Validation and Accreditation Techniques)
Yüksek Bütünlüklü ve Emniyet Kritik Sistemler (High Integrity and Safety Critical Computing)
Robot, Otomasyon, Ekipman, Yazılım ve Yönetim Sistemleri (Robot, Automation, Equipment Software and Management Systems)
Siber Fiziksel Sistemler (Cyber Physical Systems)
Gömülü Yazılım Güvenliği (Firmware Security)
İnternet Güvenliği (Internet Security)
Siber Güvenlik Danışmanlık ve Eğitim (Cybersecurity Consultation and Training)
TaliaDD - Secure File Transfer Tool for Closed Networks
Server Regulatory Controls and Hardening Software
Central Linux Management, Auditing and Reporting System
TaliaUndo - Secure Backup Solution
Video Conferencing System
Contract Management System
Digital Document Stamping
Logging and Smart Search
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